Research and development of
Microbiome, Postbiotics.
We believe creative contents rule the world. We claim to achieve this with our Cross-border DNA.
Introducing Persona – Cross-border brand localization and MCN solution designed by engineers and creative geeks.
Learn More ⇣
Persona is trying to bridge the gap between people from different regions by solving ambiguity and complexity of Cross-border digital marketing, brand localization, and MCN.
Our service is designed to let you explore, expand, and enlighten your target customers in ways you never imagined. It makes your work easy with our creative experts, and astoundingly powerful administration tool for performance marketing Influencer data analysis.
We have 3 business pillars ⇣Grow your Immune system.
Breaking borders by creative contents and digital marketing with influencers.
Grow your Health.
With quick access to all the data and insights you need,
bringing out best performance is easier than ever.
Grow your Beauty.
Celebrity is the new online media. And works better in China.
Grow your Pet’s well-being.
포스트바이오틱스 No.1 베름은 우리의 가족 구성원이자 삶의 동반자인 반려동물들에게도 과학이 만든 미래형 유산균 포스트바이오틱스를 통해 균형 잡힌 면역과 건강을 선물하고자 효과적이고 검증된 반려동물 유산균 전문 제품들을 연구, 생산하고 있습니다.
To the
We started our journey from Seoul, South Korea in 2015, where all dynamic cultural wave is coming from . Then, we achieved our magnificent growth since 2017 when we expanded our presence for digital marketing and MCN in China. However, there’s always more to do. Our motivation and efforts become vivid as we connect more dots to Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, and many more.

Proudly introducing Persona team and our global community of advisors – from marketing and entertainment professionals to renowned entrepreneurs and serial investors.
차별화된 배양, 열처리, 건조공정... 더 나은 유산균 개발을 위해 지난 30여 년을 한결같이 매진해온 베름 연구진의 진심 어린 마음과 연구 결실이 살아숨쉬는 과학이 만든 미래형 유산균 포스트바이오틱스
초고농도 프리미엄 유산균 마이크로바이옴 뷰티 화장품 휴먼 그레이드 펫 영양제 포스트바이오틱스 생활용품
See our team and advisors »
Calling for partners.
We have worked with over 250+ brands & enter prise. We are working with giants. We are partnering with over 18 social media platforms, Chinese e-Commerce distribution companies, and global MCN agencies.
How we have done »
Persona partners with leading brands, enterprise, institutions, start-ups, media, and platforms.
국내외 150여 제약사와 식품사 등에서 건강기능식품, 환자식,우유, 물, 에너지바, 김, 사료, 비누, 화장품, 단백질 파우더 등의 제품에 베름의 세계 최고 포스트바이오틱스를 적용, 고객들로부터 많은 호평을 얻고 있습니다.
포트폴리오 보기 »

Our achievements.
Qualitative Contents + Quantitative performance. Quite the pair.
We do care about the contents going viral. We also do care about our client’s numbers. Our 3 business pillars are all connected together and crucial to each other which can be leveraged into the maximum output. Explore our previous achievements. Experience our service to take your business to the next level.
모두가 살아서 장까지 가는 프로바이오틱스 (3세대 유산균)에 주목할때, 우리는 감염의 우려에서 보다 자유롭고 더욱 안전하며 효과를 높인 열처리 유산균, 포스트바이오틱스(4세대 유산균)연구에 매진했습니다. 베름은 독자적인 생산기술을 개발하여 열에 취약한 기존 유산균의 단점은 보완하고 효능은 더욱 극대화된 포스트바이오틱스를 탄생시켰습니다. 지난 30년 연구의 산물, 안전성과 활용성, 가공성 모두 갖춘 베름 유산균은 지속적인 기술개발과 신사업 전개를 통해 새로운 역사를 만들어나가고 있습니다.
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